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Writer's pictureErin Pallotta

He is Able

I haven't commented on the Coronavirus pandemic much, but as I was cleaning the fitting rooms at work the other day, I had a thought that just had me, well, shook, and I had to share it.

I'm no scientist, and let's be honest, biology was never my favorite subject. What I do know is that a virus is a tiny organism that we can't see with the naked eye. We can't see it on surfaces or watch it transfer from one person to another, yet we see the panic and the chaos it leaves in its wake. How is it that such a small, microscopic thing is able to cause such a giant pandemic?

It got me thinking...

Maybe it works the same way faith works. You can't really see faith, but you can watch as it passes from one person to another. When you have faith, others can see how it affects how you live life, and they begin to "catch" that faith. They say laughter is contagious, and I would argue that faith is, too.

We've all heard about the "mustard seed of faith" Jesus talks about in Matthew 17. How many times have you called upon that chapter when you needed a miracle? You just need the smallest amount of faith, only as big as a mustard seed, to be able to move a mountain.

Now, think about how much bigger that mustard seed of faith is compared to the microscopic virus that has turned our world upside down in the last few months. Don't you think our faith, and what God can do with that faith, is much more powerful than a virus, than a pandemic, than chaos?

Just remember: our God is bigger than our problems, and that includes a virus. The pandemic might move you six feet apart from your friends and family, move events to a later date, and even move you into a different way of living for awhile, but our God can move mountains. All it takes is a mustard seed of faith. He is able.

xoxo, Erin

Thank you to my friend Arianna McLean for inspiring the title of this post.

Listen to her song "Faith" and watch for her new release, "I Will Love."

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