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Writer's pictureErin Pallotta

Introducing the #THLRead20 Challenge

When was the last time you read a book? And I’m not talking about a book you read in your high school American Lit class. I mean, really read a book for the sake of relaxing, for the sake of bettering yourself, or just for the sake of reading.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to read but it’s fallen to the wayside in the hustle and bustle of life. You walk by the book section at Target and think, “I want to read that book,” but you don’t pick it up and buy it because you know you won’t actually read it.

A friend tells you about an awesome book you just have to read, but you never ask to borrow it because you won’t find the time to crack it open.

You have a pile of books waiting to be read, and another long list of books on your Amazon wishlist, but you know the second you get to page two, something will pull your attention away from it.

Any of these scenarios sound familiar? Same, girl, same.

Enter my Read 20 in 2020 Challenge! This year, I’ll be reading 20 books, and I’m inviting — no, challenging — you to join me. I have a firm belief that readers are leaders. In fact, almost every successful person I’ve met is always reading a book. Want to up-level your life? Read a book!

Let’s make this happen. When you break it down, 20 books is 1.6 books per month (let’s round to 2). If your books have about 20 chapters each, that’s about 5 chapters each week… or 1 chapter a day. Not bad, huh?

So here’s how you do it: Write a list of all the books you’ve been wanting to read (it’s okay if you don’t have 20… I don’t either, yet!) and choose your first two. This way, when you’re done with one, you already have another on hand and you’ll be more likely to keep it up. Then, post on Instagram with the hashtag #THLRead20 so I can see that you are joining me. Read, post, and repeat. That’s it!

If you need some book inspo, check out my Reading Challenge page, where I’ll be linking to my book reviews and showing you my latest read. Most of my books will be nonfiction, but yours don’t have to be. Just get reading!

Are you ready? You can do it! I believe in you, and I’m running right alongside you.

xoxo, Erin

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