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Writer's pictureErin Pallotta


Well, y'all, I'm back! After spending 5 days with my Jesus people in the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado, my heart is full and so is my head. There is SO. MUCH. to process, whether it's thanking God for my newfound friendships that I know will be lifelong or going back through my notes to revisit a powerful revelation, I've been on the go since I got home.

Usually, when I get home from any kind of trip, I just want to take a long, hot shower, cozy up in clean clothes, and take a giant snooze in my own bed. But this time, I just wanted to keep going.

Sure, I was tired (uh, exhausted), hungry, and definitely missing my hubby, but I just wanted to keep the momentum of the weekend. I woke up wanting to talk to my friends about the weekend and wanting more time with the Lord. And the best part is, I could.

When you come back from a vacation, you're glad to be home but you miss the place you left. You dread going "back to reality." Truth is, we don't have to.

Yes, we physically left Denver. Yes, we are back in Cincinnati, going to our own home church, going back to our day jobs, and eating dinner with our families. But we don't have to stop connecting with each other, doing life together, or worshipping our King without whom we wouldn't have the lives we have.

Y'all. THIS IS LIVING. This is our life. We get to do this together. The only difference between what we experienced on the trip and what we experience at home is the geographical location. We can experience those God moments anywhere because it's our reality.

To my Colorado Gang, I love you.

To my Hive, I have so many things to share with you over the next few months. I hope that they resonate with you as much as they did me. And I hope your life is changed forever the way mine has been. It's a wild ride, my friends.

xoxo, Erin

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